This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take
This animated anthology brings together a new wave of animation stars to take you on a wildly entertaining ride into Africa's future. Inspired by the continent's diverse histories and cultures, these action-packed sci-fi and fantasy stories present bold visions of advanced technology, aliens, spirits and monsters imagined from uniquely African perspectives.
主演:皮耶尔弗兰切斯科·法维诺,芭芭拉·朗奇,马尔科·潘克拉齐,弗朗西斯科·科勒拉,安东尼奥·杰拉尔迪,埃莉奥诺拉·德卢卡,Francesco Gheghi,Mario Pupella,Mattia Garaci,Simone Chiacchiararelli,Anna Maria De Luca,Lea Favino